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National MNCH Program is a comprehensive program aiming at strengthening, upgrading and integrating ongoing interventions and introducing new strategies.
Some of the core implementation strategies of the program are as under:
1. Integrate all services related with MNCH at the district level.
2. Introduce a cadre of community-based skilled birth attendants.
MNCH Strategic Framework
The core objectives of the program are as under:
To reduce:
1. The Under Five Mortality Rate to less than 65 per 1000 live births,
2. The Newborn Mortality Rate to less than 40 per 1000 live births,
3. The Infant Mortality Rate to less than 55 per 1000 live births
Preventable Diseases
A functional M&E system will include strengthening the HMIS from an MNCH perspective, integrating the information generated through LHW Program, undertaking a national study on maternal and newborn health (particularly to measure MMR), expanding the verbal autopsy system for maternal deaths and a system for third party evaluation of service delivery in the public and private sector facilities. An efficient M&E framework ensures that ongoing health management information systems fully incorporate data collection on reliable and valid indicators of MNCH, which will be used to monitor and evaluate the proposed project.
Monitoring & Evaluation:
Some of the core implementation strategies of the program are as under:
1. Strengthen district health systems through improvement in technical and managerial capacity at all levels and upgrading institutions and facilities.
2. Streamline and strengthen services for provision of basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn care (EmONC).
Strengthening the Health Facilities